Saturday, 12 November 2011

The Quotable Lewis

C.S. Lewis on Creation:
I love to find neat photos from google!! :)

"No philosophical theory I have yet come across is a radical improvement on the words of Genesis, that "in the beginning God made Heaven and Earth"

When you study, venture on, and see from afar the work of Gods hand. You (or at least I) can't imagine not giving all the glory back to God. This last week was one I found myself in amazement. God has created the human body so intricately, that every part serves a purpose for the whole being. This brings me to a reverence and godly fear of the one who knows me from the inside out. Also it brings thankfulness to my heart, for I know that God is and knows all things, that I do not have to fear what the future may bring!
Thanks for Reading, ~RebeccA.

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