Monday, 26 September 2011

JoAnn Update

As of last Saturday, I have become a Joann's class teacher!! I have been an "instructor" for about a month but none of the classes that I was to teach had any one in them, until Saturday. Where I had 2 classes to teach
A knitting class, called knitting 101. Where I had 7 people I was teaching. That was a little challenging, because of the amount of people but it went well.

I taught them the basics like how to, cast on, knit stitch, purl stitch, and biding off. Some people got it right off the bat, and others it took them a little more time. But over all I think that every one was at least knitting by the end of the 2 1/2 hour class!!

The next class I taught that day was Crochet 101. And for those who know me, know that I don't really crochet or at least that is not what I really know how to do. Well the reason I taught this one was the gal that normally teaches it, wanted the day off for her birthday. So I learned the basics of crochet, in order to teach this class.

I had 4 people in this class, which was the perfect amount for something that I don't have allot of experience in. I taught them how to chain, a single crochet stiich and a double crochet stich. I think that I was able to teach the ladies in the class all that I know about the subject and it seemed they all were able to get the concepts down!
I will also be teaching some sewing classes of all different kinds of projects and patterns. But no one has signed up for those ones yet. But I am thinking that since fall weather has started to come, people are going to want to do some indoor crafts. So I am sure I will be teaching them soon.
Until next time ~RebeccA.


Ashley said...

What a great opportunity! I hope you get more students soon. :)

JessicaCynthia said...

That is so exciting! Wow-teaching people?!?! That's so cool, Becka! And you're the perfect person to do it too. :-)
Have fun!
See you Sunday,