Thursday, 29 September 2011

Doula Course

"The Professional Labor Support Course (PLSC) equips women to come alongside expectant families and provide physical, emotional, and spiritual support throughout pregnancy, labor and birth, and postpartum adjustments." ~From the ATI website
This November I am going (with two others from Church) to Nashville TN, to attend a week long doula course!! Followed by a 10 month study from home. This course is to teach us how to become a doula, through a biblical worldview. I have been looking into this for a few years, and this year they are offering the course.  Though I do not know where this knowledge that I will be gaining will take me, but what I do know is that there will always be a need for people who have the knowledge about babies and the processes that comes with having children. So stay tuned for more info.... or pictures from the trip, which ever comes first! :) ~Rebecca

1 comment:

Hannah said...

Have fun! I wish I could go with you guys!
