Thursday, 29 September 2011

Doula Course

"The Professional Labor Support Course (PLSC) equips women to come alongside expectant families and provide physical, emotional, and spiritual support throughout pregnancy, labor and birth, and postpartum adjustments." ~From the ATI website
This November I am going (with two others from Church) to Nashville TN, to attend a week long doula course!! Followed by a 10 month study from home. This course is to teach us how to become a doula, through a biblical worldview. I have been looking into this for a few years, and this year they are offering the course.  Though I do not know where this knowledge that I will be gaining will take me, but what I do know is that there will always be a need for people who have the knowledge about babies and the processes that comes with having children. So stay tuned for more info.... or pictures from the trip, which ever comes first! :) ~Rebecca

Monday, 26 September 2011

JoAnn Update

As of last Saturday, I have become a Joann's class teacher!! I have been an "instructor" for about a month but none of the classes that I was to teach had any one in them, until Saturday. Where I had 2 classes to teach
A knitting class, called knitting 101. Where I had 7 people I was teaching. That was a little challenging, because of the amount of people but it went well.

I taught them the basics like how to, cast on, knit stitch, purl stitch, and biding off. Some people got it right off the bat, and others it took them a little more time. But over all I think that every one was at least knitting by the end of the 2 1/2 hour class!!

The next class I taught that day was Crochet 101. And for those who know me, know that I don't really crochet or at least that is not what I really know how to do. Well the reason I taught this one was the gal that normally teaches it, wanted the day off for her birthday. So I learned the basics of crochet, in order to teach this class.

I had 4 people in this class, which was the perfect amount for something that I don't have allot of experience in. I taught them how to chain, a single crochet stiich and a double crochet stich. I think that I was able to teach the ladies in the class all that I know about the subject and it seemed they all were able to get the concepts down!
I will also be teaching some sewing classes of all different kinds of projects and patterns. But no one has signed up for those ones yet. But I am thinking that since fall weather has started to come, people are going to want to do some indoor crafts. So I am sure I will be teaching them soon.
Until next time ~RebeccA.

Friday, 23 September 2011

Dinner on the Water Front

The same day I went to the library, dad and I went out to dinner on the water front. And afterwards went on a walk. Which I took these pictures of the bridge!!! :)

Thanks for reading ~RebeccA.

Thursday, 22 September 2011

A Trip to the new Library!!

Yesterday I had the time to go down to the new Library down town!! And since I was able to bring my trusty camera, I snapped a few lot of photos around the neat place. I will give you a little tour guide around the place with the pictures I captured!

The front sign... in GREEN!
The front door and front of the building.... four stories HIGH!

This is shot from above, but gives you a glimpse of what the entrance way looks like.

On the stair well, looking up you see what each floor consist of... neat huh?

I LOVE this photo!! This is looking up along a wall in the entrance way.

On the first floor is the main computer area, magazines, holds, coffee shop and the main desk.
Second floor, is the Children's area... with this play area, which I even thought was cool!! (I kinda felt weird looking around with out a little one near by and everyone looking at me taking pictures... but oh well it was fun!!)

I thought these tables were really cool... they had the alphabet with holes of different things sealed inside them... A is for Ant, B for Buttons!!

Then they had these funnel/ indoor play areas like this one, was a kitchen. Like you can see the funnel thing had all different things in them. It was neat to see the light through them!!

Like this... forks and spoons, flowers and shapes. This was in the one seen in the above picture.

The next floor was an office area so I wasn't/ didn't want to go in there. The next floor was the Non- fiction. What I love about this library is there was tons of seating to read or tables and chairs for working on the computer and what not!!

When you look up in an area of the 3rd floor, you see these neat lights!!
On the Non-fiction I found sewing, knitting, sheet music books... I think I spent most of my browsing for books on this floor!!

NOW... the fourth floor, I didn't get much of the inside, because I was too busy taking all of these pictures out side on the DECK!!! It was so nice to step out side, look at the view, read your book in the sun, and feel the slight breeze!! It was so nice!!

Of course I had to take a bunch of photos out side...

Okay back inside, on the 4th floor still, I found a place to sit and do some work on the laptop. (remember the view from the 3rd floor looking up at these lights?)

All round you saw people like this doing work on the computer.... and I thought it this particular guy sitting down the way from were I was looked like a perfect victim for my photo of some one working!!

And here is my lovely computer. Oh and the head phones... cant forget those!!

I was a bit board and snapped this on of me while working on my paper.
Well there you have it.... a post FULL of photos of my fun at the library!! I hope I was able to give you a glimpse of what the neat place looks like.  :)
Thanks for reading!! ~RebeccA.

Thursday, 1 September 2011

BlueBerry Jam!! {Update}

 I Just had to share that I was able to have alittle extra jam that was less than a full jar, which I was able to spread across my toast I had this morning..... and it was so GOOD!! :)

It was so nice and smooth...

And yummy tasting too!!
What a great start for the month of September! I hope your first morning of the month is going as well as mine!! :)
"The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases; His mercies are new every morning; great is your faithfulness." Lamentations 3:22-23