Friday, 1 July 2011

Strawberry Fruit Leather!!

Well I did it!! I made fruit leather for the first time!! Though I made it through the process successfully... I learned more of how it works:
1. Don't blend hot stuff in the blender... leads to a mess :)
2. The pan that you use to dry the leather matters... I need a better pan!!
3. If you don't want it to take more than 12 hours to dry, don't fill the pan so full!
4. And last, make more than one serving at a time... Only enough for a couple of days.
This is  the recipe I used... I won't make you read it, but I thought it was a good one. I also had some idea of the process from this book... I love that book, very resourceful on allot of things!!
Well here are some pictures along the way!!

Boiling the Strawberries down.

Blending the Strawberries, to make a puree
Like I said... wrong kind of pan :) Here it is going in...

Here it is after about 30 hours of drying... Do you see my finger marks from when I was checking to see if it was done :)

Yummmy!! I love the color!

Here I am eating some... after ALL my hard work ;)
Hard to tear.... not really!!

Okay here it is... the picture you have been looking for... You can get me now... LOL
Well there you have it!! My first try at drying fruit... I have learned quite allot and can't wait to try other fruits or mixes of different kinds of fruits together!!  Hope your first day of July is going well, I know from where I am at, I am enjoying the warm weather... and I can't wait until the 4th!!


AndraLea Rose said...

Cool! Looks like it turned out great, despite the long drying process. That last picture is classic. :)

Lisa said...

I've never made fruit leather... I think I'll have to be giving it a try since you made it look so easy peasy. :) Blessings! ~Mrs. S

Rebecca Ann said...

Andra- Yeah I thought it turned out nice!! I just had to put that picture in there, I don't know what I was thinking when taking it but it turned out funny!! :)

Mrs. Seifert- You should give it a try! It was very simple to do, the hard part was waiting... and waiting for the leather to dry! But I did mine in the oven, you can dry it in a dehydrater or even in the sun (which some say it tastes better that way, I would try it but I can't) Well let me know how it turns out if you do!!

Hannah said...

Wow, I am not a personal fan of fruit leather but I can appreciate what it takes to make it, so kudos my friend, you did it, I knew you could,even though I didn't even know before hand that you made it, but hey if I wasn't on the other end believing in you I don't think that you could have made it. My support just means that much to you... I know, you don't have to tell me.
I totally agree with you the hardest part for me would have been to wait for it to become "leather" so to speak. I mean even if the rest of it took blood sweat and tears to prepare, the hardest part still would be the wait. But I'm proud of you because you persevered, and again, kudos.

Anyway I didn't mean for this to be an essay but it is so you are just going to have to deal with it!! :)

Ya that picture at the end..... totally epic my friend!

Love, (the most important person in the world)
~Hannah W~

Savories of life said...

I ahve made this before and it was good. Check ou my blog and follow it.