I have also looked into doing this kind of thing for other areas of the way the house is run. Like today I make dry Laundry Soap and dry Dish Washing Soap. It was quite easy. Here is the recipes.
For Dry Laundry Soap you need:
1 Cup Washing soda
1 Cup Borax
2 Cups finely grated Fels Naptha
Mix all ingredients, before use mix well again,
use: 2 TBL For a full load
1TBL For a 1/2 a load

Dish Washer Soap:
1 cup Washing Soda
1 Cup Borax
Mix well, Use 2 TBL per load,
it is also recommended to use about a Tbl of white vinegar
for the rinse cycle, this helps with the give a shine.
These things were quite cheap to buy for the amount of use,
Borax 4.07
Washing Soda 2.70
Fels- Naptha 2.24
For total of $9. 01
I bougt all of these at my local Winco, but I am sure they can be found at other places. I have made one batch already and I still have almost a whole box of both borax and washing soda, and a little more than 3/4 of the naptha bar.
There are also different versions then the ones I used , there are liquid versions also. I found my recipes online, and made the one that looked good to me. I have been using these recipes for some time and I really like them, they make my clothes smell good, and my dishes clean.
Another place I like to look is a blog called Money Saving Moms, though I am not a mom, I find all kinds of things on there. This lady, posts about 10 posts each day, her posts are of coupons, free samples, free events, and tips that are useful. I visit her site at least once a day.
I also like to compare prices, I have found that cheaper is not always more, to pay more you can get more. I have found this with going to the dollar tree, though you are only spending a dollar for 4 rolls for TP you can find 50 rolls at winco for less money then if you were to buy 50 rolls at the dollar tree.
What do you do to help your family save money? I would be interested to here your family's way of being a better home economist.
Have a great day!
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