Thursday, 28 February 2008

Picture Crazy

Well lately Hannah and I have been taking pictures like it's our last time.  Every were we look we find amazing places to say "cheese!"  It's incredable the way God has designed this earth, even for us to take pictures on.  We look around us today and miss the beautiful art work our Father has painted for our eyes to gaze upon.  I think of that song Indescribable by Chris Tomlin.  It talks about different pictures of our world and how God is so amazing.

This is Maddie and I on a sunny afternoon.

This is Gunner, Seth's dog, and I while walking through the woods.

And this is Hannah and I while strolling along.


Unknown said...

becca, i love your dress!!

Rebecca Ann said...

thank you!!

Josiah Woltersdorf said...

What do you like about her dress? (I like your dress too, because of the color, don't get me wrong)

Rebecca Ann said...

What do you mean by that?

Josiah Woltersdorf said...

I mean I like the Color, and when are you going to post again? I'm looking forward to another of your wonderful posts...

Anonymous said...

Becca, I am absolutely delighted to see our picture on your blog!!! :) You, Hannah, and Josiah need to help me figure ot what the heck your supposed to do on here (if you don't mind walking a few yards:) )

Hannah said...

ha.... I remember these that was fun when we took them!!!